Container Gardening · Daily Living

Everything changes everyday

I woke up to find my biggest dog on my bed. I practically threatened my husband a few months ago because he had fed the dog so much he was too fat to walk or climb stairs. I’m not kidding, I was afraid we’d have to put him down his arthritis had gotten so bad. It’s been months that the dogs have been on a diet – and lately, Rory has been ok climbing stairs and running in the yard again. I am so happy for him. To get up on the bed though is HUGE. I was singing O HAPPY DAY! Later, he was running and caught a fledgling thrasher. I wanted to fuss him out, but he ate it – it’s what animals do and I know it. I just didn’t like it. He’s hungry now that he can move around.

The worms have settled in and seem to like their home. The vertical garden is looking wonderful, too. I’ve got my seedlings under a nice light indoors because the birds were grabbing them in a swoop and run. Today’s chore is to make another tower and set up my herb garden mason jars.

Projects are in flux. As plants grow, they get moved. As space is freed, new ones arrive. My gramma used to say “life is about change.” She set me up to expect it!

I’m letting go of the idea that we will be leaving this place. 2 yrs ago, I promised Steve we could sell it if he’d work and overcome his stroke. He cries constantly how he hates it here. It’s not the mountains. He hates the people and the street we live on. Ugh. I tried to ignore him. Now I tell him to stop it. This is MY house and I LOVE it.



2 thoughts on “Everything changes everyday

  1. My wife and I live in New York State. I was born and raised here. She is from Tenn and hates it here. It’s tough because she’s always talking about selling the house and moving down there. Can a marriage survive this?


  2. My husband would hate anyplace because he’s no longer whole. Strokes are cruel on many levels. We can’t even compromise because he can’t participate in things. Our house is paid off so no matter what either of us would prefer if Steve isn’t restored physically, this is where we will be. As a kid, I went to 18 different schools with Jr high being at the same school. I hated moving more than anything. Now, I’d give anything if my husband could be healed – even move again. I think you have to choose to be married no matter what life hands you. You just have to decide it. ❤


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